2.自體脂肪隆乳增加脂肪的存活率:自體脂肪移植到乳房,一定會被吸收掉相當比例,有一些研究顯示,七到八成的脂肪可能在移植後會被吸收,也就是說,如果以傳統方式來自體脂肪隆乳,可能注入200cc的脂肪,最後只有40 -60c c留下來這樣的手術成果,實在無法令人滿意。所以,許多整形外科醫師就以如何增加脂肪存活率作為研究的焦點,所幸,由韓國李喜永醫師和日本東京帝大形成外科吉村浩太 郎 教授的研究,已經有令人欣喜的突破。
3.自體脂肪隆乳避免術後胸部有硬塊,囊腫:大量的脂肪注射到胸部,難免產生脂肪鈣化所造成的小硬塊或是脂肪液化所造成的囊腫,如何將硬塊或囊腫的機會降到最低,就在於自體脂肪隆乳使用 精密的注射方式以及注射針頭。以特製的注射針頭均勻而小量的將脂肪置入胸大肌肌肉層,以及皮下層,並且要避開乳腺層,才可以有漂亮的乳房同時又避免硬塊,囊腫的發生。
自體脂肪隆乳術後經由 醫師的專業,提供最完備的術後恢復注意事項及照顧事宜,並依照約定時間定期回診觀察,詳細追蹤期間視個人情況而定只要充分配合醫師指示即能達到最好的自體脂肪隆乳效果。
Market research firm comScore recently published research, according to apple's IOS system market share in the United States has more than 40%, and the ratio is still rising.
After purchasing an entire fall wardrobe filled with sweats, hoodies and jerseys in support of our hometown team, my kid refuses to wear them. The twin sized comforter, which only fits his bed, is now collecting dust in the linen closet and the sofa throw, well, at least that will still get some use from me. He now wants apparel from a team that is not only not in our viewing area, but several states away. So, I am left with two options. I can force the little guy to root for my team (Philadelphia Eagles), or I can allow him to express his individuality and purchase clothes and bedroom accessories for the team he now roots for.
You know, you try your best to raise your kids the right way. You start from the very minute you find out your expecting. You decorate the nursery, buy all the new safety gadgets, stock the changing table with 5 different sizes of diapers and even start a college fund. The excitement lasts months with the anticipation of having a mini-you; albeit a smaller and much cuter version. You can envision all the fun times you'll have together as you mold them into perfect little people. You do all you can to provide for, nurture and encourage your children and you rarely ask for anything in return, after all, you are the parent. Which is why it is so devastating when your child is old enough to sit on your lap and spend a Sunday afternoon watching your favorite NFL team play,iPhone 8 For Sale, just to hear them root for the other guys. It's just heartbreakinlike the "Omega / Omega Set and Nike Air Force 1 '07 2010.
Apple Siri's real intention
The following is an apple. If you have an iPhone, you may wonder, why apple is so obsessed with the Siri this wasn't that voice assistant. One of the reasons is that the apple computer in the future is mobile, clear to input keywords to search by voice tell phone to query the content to be more convenient for you.
Users choose Facebook abandon Google
According to market research firm comScore recent reports show that people on average spending time on Facebook than Google. Google search empire worth $60 billion, while Facebook empire sitting on $6 billion, but not search.
If Facebook really serious to develop a search engine to replace Google, users use hidden problems such as church and non-java keywords to search, then the search market there may be a fundamental shift in income distribution.
Now that I decided to allow him to express himself, I have yet another problem. Our area doesn't carry merchandise for the team he now loves to support and after doing numerous Google searches to find the items we needed to fulfill his back-stabbing desire, we found hundreds of sights. Sounds great, huh? The problem is that none of them carried all of the things we were looking for. One was fully stocked with clothing and apparel, while others were geared towards home furnishings and still others were more for gift ideas (like mugs, banners, car magnets, etc).
You may be saying to yourself, what's the big deal. You found what you were looking for, right? Yes, we did, but for the added cost of shipping from each of those sites we could have driven to North Carolina and back (I guess you can figure out his favorite team now, huh) and spent less on gas.
Shopping online brings great stores right to you, and makes comparison shopping easy! This kind of shopping has never been easier. However, on the negative side, Internet shopping results in 2.5 times more packaging than shopping in stores. Having many separate packages shipped can really add up, not to mention the shipping charges. New Yorkers, for example, left more than 8,300 tons of cardboard and mixed paper to be recycled in the first full collection week after Christmas 2005, a 21 percent increase over the previous year. Nevertheless, using credible discount clubs to locate the best websites, is one surefire way to get your item home safely and many online retailers offer discounted pricing and/or free or reduced shipping costs for purchases over a certain amount.
By using discount clubs, you can find multiple ways to shop online. Shopping online offers lots of benefits that you won't find shopping in a store or by mail. For example, your discount clubs on the Internet are always open - seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Some people are afraid to shop online, but it is actually safer when you are buying from a well-known established company. However, buying from an unknown company is another story. If you have a problem with your order or your charges from a company that no one has ever heard of, you may be out of luck. Nevertheless, by visit reliable discount clubs, you will be directed to the prefect store for you needs and shopping online will be a breeze and is something anyone can do. That's right with a bit of coaching, a bit of training, and the right tools, you CAN find what you want at the price you want to pay.
For advice on the current iPhone range,Wholesale iPhone X, read our iPhone buying guide and best cheap iPhone deals UK. Or, if you'd like to look even further into the future (covering tech developments that come perilously close to the realms of science-fiction), read iPhone 9 and beyond: From graphene to motion charging.
To meet their commitment, Ibiden will invest in more than 20 new renewable energy facilities, including one of the largest floating solar photovoltaic systems in the country. The state-of-the-art floating system is constructed on a converted lumber yard to maximize land use in Japan.
��These innovative new clean energy investments demonstrate our commitment to doing business responsibly and economically,�� said Kyoichi Yamanaka, Managing Director of Ibiden's Environment Group. ��Our products help Apple devices run smarter, and now we��re powering our operations with smarter energy too. We're pleased to partner with Apple and lead the way in helping Japan meet its clean energy goals.��
And that is one of the main reasons for why there are so many viruses and spy-wares being spread around the Internet today. Many people might think that they are doing it just for fun, to disrupt another persons computer. But this is perhaps the main reason why those hackers are spreading so many viruses online, which is currently on of the main online dangers. With the wide variety of downloads available, as well as the many website that help promote downloads, the chances of us downloading one of those Spy-Ware is there.
The screen is not the only issue that the iPhone 8 is facing. At it switches to new technology (or at least technology new to Apple), the cost of the components are rising and eating away at the margins. Are you ready for a $1000 iPhone?
Internet security has now become a major business, as many Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware companies fight for a multi million industry. Now, it makes it almost impossible for hackers to hack those websites to steal our information. That is the main reason, why many involved parties keep claiming that making a purchase in the Internet is as safe as it gets. And to be honest, they do have a point, as the security on those websites are very tight. So, it would seem that the online dangers of online shopping is of no more. Or is it?
As time goes by, it would seem that the dangers of online shopping is of no more. Back in the older days, the real online dangers of online shopping was due to the websites that we were making a purchase with. Hackers would hack into those websites and try to steal our information. They would place a bug into the website so that each time someone send the website their credit card information, it would be sent back to those hackers.
So what can you do about it? The most important thing is to get a good Anti-Virus software that is constantly updated. Remember, new viruses and Spy-ware can't be detected by old Anti-Virus security programs. An updated software is vital to keeping our computer safe. Only once this happens,iPhone 8 For Sale, can we really eliminate the online dangers of online shopping.
Sorry to tell you, but the threat is far from being over. So how do they still steal our information considering that most websites now have security so tight, it would almost seem like a government website. Simple, instead of hacking those websites that have high security, they now target the source itself. Yes, that means both yours and my computer.
This will be disappointing to many who hoped Apple was primed to follow Samsung’s acclaimed dual curved OLED “Edge’ displays first introduced in 2015 - and result in a far more conventional looking device. Certainly curved OLED displays look superb in marketing shots and add a futuristic aspect as manufacturers chase the new trend of minimising bezel sizes.
That was how it happened many years back. But now it is almost impossible for them. As the Internet gets more attention from users around the world, so has security. Now almost all websites that do handle credit card transactions, use a secured third party service. For example, websites that want to use the credit card function can actually apply for such a service directly from Visa and MasterCard. And there are now many other secure payment options.
Think about it for a moment. Instead of hacking a high security website, wouldn't it be easier to hack normal peoples computer? Let's be honest, those websites use expensive security packages to protect their website and server. But most of us just use a free and out dated version of an Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware software. Obviously, it would be much easier to hack into our website.
To reduce the chance of any of these things happening, make sure you choose a board certified plastic surgeon that has experience performing facelifts. Explain to him the results you would like to see, but make sure you have realistic expectations. A facelift can take years off of your face, but it can't make you look like you did in your twenties!
- Scarring- An infection or poor wound healing can result in unsightly scarring. Although the surgeon makes his incisions up in the hairline to hide them as much as possible, visible or raised scarring can occur. Be sure to follow all of your surgeon's post-facelift instructions to ensure that the healing process goes well to avoid unnecessary scarrina variety of colors.
Outside of battery life, the second most important power feature Apple needs to implement with its next iPhone is some kind of fast charging capability. Most high-end Android smartphones, like Samsung’s Galaxy S7, Google’s Pixel, LG’s G6 and Motorola’s Moto Z, can suck up hours of juice using special chargers in just 15 minutes and, in some cases, top off their tanks in a little more than an hour. Apple’s iPhone,Cheap Galaxy S8, meanwhile, still takes quite a while to recharge.
If Apple’s upcoming iPhone is going to be a truly next-generation handset, it has to include fast charging technology. Besides, it’s no fun to have your smartphone’s battery die and have to wait for it to recharge for longer than you’d like.
- Asymmetry- It is possible for one side to look tauter than the other which throws off the symmetry of your face. It is a delicate procedure and even a centimeter's difference can change the look. Not only that, but your secret becomes obvious. If one side is higher than the other, everyone will know that you had "work done." The goal is to look natural and have people wondering what is different about you.
Oh the signs of aging....you can't stop them, but you can hold them off for awhile. You know what they are- sagging jowls, the frown face and the turkey neck. These all add years to your face. A facelift is a surgical way to refresh, tighten and reverse the years. But, before you jump face first into surgery, it is important to know what the possible risks are. Yes, this is a very common procedure that is done every day, but as with any procedure, there are risks.
Here are some of the more common ones to be aware of:
Taking a look back at another week of news from Cupertino, this week’s Apple Loop includes the latest iPhone 8 leaks and their lack of new technology, the high price of the new iPhone, the sneaky MacBook Pro price cut, details on the new iPad, the AirPods health focused future, price fixing in Russia, the challenge from the Galaxy S8, and running Windows XP on your iPhone.
Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus certainly has a long-lasting battery, but the smaller iPhone 7 isn’t quite as robust. With more companies adding larger, more powerful batteries to their handsets, it behooves Apple to outfit both the standard and Plus editions of its next iPhone with high-powered batteries that will meet the demands of users who continue to use more apps, stream more movies and generally bury their faces in their phones more often.
Without a sufficiently long-lasting battery, or one that falls behind the kind of battery life that Samsung’s next handset offers, Apple could see consumers move away from its smartphones.
- Revision surgery- If the results are not quite what you expected or if something goes wrong, revision surgery may be necessary. Perhaps you look too tight, not tight enough or lopsided. This requires additional surgery which means a repeat of all the possible risks. Choose a great surgeon to avoid this from happenina variety of colors.
- Numbness/Nerve damage- Anytime an incision is made, there is a chance of nerve damage. Some numbness around the incision is common and usually goes away, but it can be permanent.
- Surgery complications- Anytime general anesthesia is used, the risks of surgery go up. It is essential that you disclose any medical conditions and prescriptions you are taking that might require additional monitoring during the procedure. An allergic reaction to the anesthesia is always possible which can lead to difficulty waking and even death.
If Samsung gets its wish, though, Bixby will eventually do much more than just help you order Lyfts or set up complex calendar appointments. The long-term vision is for Bixby to act as a kind of uber-interface for all of Samsung's products: TVs, wearables, washing machines, even remote controls.
The company was founded in the 60's and was started by Vittorio and Laure Moltedo. Its focus was on mens and womens designer ready-to-wear clothes, home items and leather goods. It was in the beginning a family business and was located in Vicenza a city near Venice, Italy. Bottega is a timeless luxury line and is known for its exclusivity and famed signature Intrecciato Line. They also were well known for not splashing their label on the front of every item they created, like some companies do. This is why they are so well loved as a classic style not a in your face, labels all over every item type of brand.
Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and the Google Assistant. Those platforms were generally built to help users quickly perform common tasks ("Remind me to buy milk") and perform search queries ("What's the capital of Brazil?"). Bixby, on the other hand, is all about making the phone itself easier to use, replicating the functions of many apps with voice commands.
The company sells it items through high end department stores such as Neiman Marcus and has US boutiques in: California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Texas. New boutiques are opening in 2008 in Scottsdale Fashion Square, and on Newbury Street in Boston. Bottega also has international boutiques in: Italy, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Japan, Hong Kong, Guam,Galaxy Note8 For Sale, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
In July of 2001 the company merged with the Gucci Group, and the designer Tomas Maier (German born) took control and revived the line by making if feel more modern and making their traditional woven leather their signature. The Bottega handbags have very clean lines, the finest soft leather, and classic style as apposed to trendy designs that are in one week and out the next. Tomas has the same ultra luxury feel in his ready-to-wear line and the company is well known for their $3000 handbags, hand woven belts and shoes.
He also tied these commissions to the performance of the mechanic that came to work for him. For instance if the guy running the tool van brought him a good mechanic he would give them $1000. And if that mechanic was really good and stayed with him for six months he would give them another thousand dollars.
This meant that the mobile tool seller van guy could make free money just for keeping his eyes and ears open for disgruntled mechanics that wanted to go work for a better shop. The automobile repair shop owner also confided in me that before the recent economic fallout in the United States there was a huge shortage of mechanics, and he expects there to be another big shortage as soon as economy returns. Please consider all this.
If you own an automotive repair shop, the most important thing is to have all the top-notch mechanics of the area working in your shop, and not working for your competition. When you have the best mechanics you end up having the happiest clients, and the most referrals, and this helps your repair shop grow in size and in reputation. The reputation of an automobile repair shop is crucial to the success and longevity of enterprise.
When will the new iPhone 8 be released in the UK, and how different will it be from the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus? (Or will the next generation of Apple smartphones be called the iPhone 7s and 7s Plus?) And what tech specs and new features should we expect from Apple's new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus?
The supply chain analyst [at Digitimes] had previously predicted that the 10.5 inch iPad will not be ready for launch until May/June, but this latest report says that Apple has pushed the production schedule forward.
Now then, how do you get the best mechanics to come work for you, how do you find them,iPhone X For Sale, and how you keep them working for you while other maintenance shops are constantly trying to recruit them? Here is one thing that a local car repair facility owner told me, he'd been in business over 30 years. He told me that he paid the mobile tool sellers a commission to help him find the best mechanics. He made sure that he had everyone out looking for hithe Great Depression U. S. A & F `s called bankruptcy.
Since the Superbowl features the two best teams in the NFL, it is very likely that the partygoers will share in their desired chosen winner of the game. In this case, purchasing a decorations and accessories package that includes banners, plates, napkins, and party favors is a great idea. Everyone can wear jersey or other gear of the football team. If the guests are rooting for different teams, decorating can be a bit tricky, but still doable. If the area where the game will be watched is large enough, an idea for decorating for both teams is to have separate banners and use plain cups and plates in the colors of the respective teams.
Yes, Siri et al. already do that to a certain extent — you can easily set a reminder with your voice, for example — but the voice integration typically only handles the basics. The goal of Bixby is to voice-enable every single action in an app that you'd normally do via touch, starting with Samsung's apps. So, not just "set a reminder to buy pickles at 6 p.m., but "Set a reminder on my Shopping List to buy pickles at 6 p.m. and make it repeat every week, then share the list with my wife."
Although it makes its debut on the Galaxy S8, it will soon spread. Rhee sees the Bixby button eventually spreading to all kinds of smart-home devices, from TVs to refrigerators to air conditioners.
Food is usually a significant part of a Superbowl party. The big game is typically held some time between lunch and dinner hours. Balancing the food offerings with snacks and a filling entrée is recommended. Chips and dip, Buffalo wings, veggie or fruit trays, and finger sandwiches are great snacks for a Superbowl party. For a main entrée, nachos, chili, and similar filling, but light meals are a good idea. Beverages of all kinds are typically served at Superbowl parties. Beer is the staple,Wholesale iPhone 8 For Sale, but wine coolers, and non-alcoholic beverages should be easily accessible for mixed crowds. Once the party is set up, all that is necessary is for the game to begin!
Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and the Google Assistant. Those platforms were generally built to help users quickly perform common tasks ("Remind me to buy milk") and perform search queries ("What's the capital of Brazil?"). Bixby, on the other hand, is all about making the phone itself easier to use, replicating the functions of many apps with voice commands.
When you finally leave to go Christmas tree shopping (with measuring tape in tow), look out for the freshness. If you are cutting the tree yourself, then obviously, you know how fresh it is.
Once you select your tree, ensure that it is rid of egg mass and insects before bringing it inside. Christmas tree shopping can be a very fun experience when you know what to look for. Use these tips to make sure you choose the best tree for your family this Christmas season.
This will be disappointing to many who hoped Apple was primed to follow Samsung’s acclaimed dual curved OLED “Edge’ displays first introduced in 2015 - and result in a far more conventional looking device. Certainly curved OLED displays look superb in marketing shots and add a futuristic aspect as manufacturers chase the new trend of minimising bezel sizes.
To begin with, go early. The earlier you go, the more selection that you have, as well as more time that you will have to use towards other Christmas activities. You can also opt to go Christmas tree shopping online. Over 300,000 people this year will go this route.
If you do decide to go in person, before you make it out to the lot, you need to designate a space for your tree. Make this space as far away from air ducts and heat sources as possible.
Ask the retailer how long it has been since the tree has been cut. You can also look for the freshest tree yourself by selecting the greenest tree possible and with the fewest brown needles.
As the weeks go by, the iPhone 8 seems to be losing much of the revolutionary technology that would help Apple’s tenth anniversary smartphone to stand out from the crowd. Forbes contributor Gordon Kelly looks at the impact the loss of the curved OLED screen will have.
Christmas tree shopping can be either one of the most or least enjoyable parts of Christmas for you, depending on how you handle it. Here are some tips to help you get the best Christmas tree shopping experience possible.
Taking a look back at another week of news from Cupertino, this week’s Apple Loop includes the latest iPhone 8 leaks and their lack of new technology, the high price of the new iPhone, the sneaky MacBook Pro price cut, details on the new iPad, the AirPods health focused future, price fixing in Russia, the challenge from the Galaxy S8, and running Windows XP on your iPhone.
During Christmas tree shopping, you can test a tree by picking it up and dropping it. If green needles fall off, then your tree may have been cut for some time, and is now excessively dry. It is natural for some of the brown needles to fall off, but the green ones should stay on.
You can also research types of trees before you go Christmas tree shopping,Wholesale iPhone 8, so that you know what tree will best fit your needs.
Check out the bottom of the Christmas tree, and make sure that the first eight inches are relatively straight. This is very important. Make sure that any limbs attached to this part will not affect the tree's shape. Make sure that your tree doesn't look wilted or off-color.
Take the measurements of the spot that you have selected, as having a tree that is too large can be very frustrating. To measure, subtract a foot from the ceiling (to allot room for the stand) for vertical length, and allow for "breathing room" for the furniture when you measure horizontally.
After the surgery: Each patient will be sent home with detailed written instructions on aftercare. Prescription medications and post-op supplies will be sent along, as well. It's important to have a friend or relative along with you in order to be your driver after the operation and to assist you in the early days.
Nurses' forms: The nursing staff will also interview the patient before the procedure to notate height, weight, blood pressure and prescription medications in the file. She or he will give you a list of pre-op instructions for the weeks and days before the surgery.
During the surgery: Many operations require anesthesia and are performed in operating suites within a hospital or clinic. Each procedure will usually take from one to several hours in order to perform. These details will be given verbally and in written form prior to the surgery.
Coming to the conclusion that you'd like to opt for an elective procedure is a big decision. It's important to know what to expect from your cosmetic surgeon and his or her team, before, during, and after the operation. Here are some guidelines to help you be prepared.
Your doctor is like the captain of a boat taking you on a trip. His job is to steer the craft while the crew helps attend to your needs as well as keep you safe. Your job as a patient is to relax, follow all instructions, and enjoy the ride.
Although it makes its debut on the Galaxy S8, it will soon spread. Rhee sees the Bixby button eventually spreading to all kinds of smart-home devices, from TVs to refrigerators to air conditioners.
Meeting with the cosmetic surgeon again: Post-operatively, the patient will meet with the surgeon in the early days to make sure that everything is satisfactorily healing and progressing as expected. Another appointment will be scheduled several weeks post-op to give a final okay regarding the procedure's completion.
As far as the device itself, Daryanani’s guesses are fairly routine at this point: The announcement “will occur in mid September,” he writes, and the new phone will use “Upgraded A11 processors deployed by TSMC,” and will have “slightly curved edge-to-edge (bezel eliminated) OLED display in flagship model,” and an “integrated Touch ID/home button (fixed Home button removed),” as well as a “front-facing camera integrated in display with AR and facial recognition capabilities” and wireless charging.
Moreover, the new model “can accelerate share gains and iOS install base growth from switchers and new to iOS users,” he believes, which should be a boon to the services business,Cheap iPhone 8, “given increased units in and higher ARPU among newer device users.”
Business forms: There will also be consent forms and financial paperwork to read over and sign. It's important to carefully read all paperwork so that all agreements are fully understood.
Meeting with the cosmetic surgeon: During the initial consultation, and subsequent appointments, your cosmetic surgeon will examine you, take a health history and ask questions about your expectations. There will be "before and after" photos to view which will be a helpful communication tool for both the patient and doctor. Symmetry and balance will be discussed, as well as the details and risks of the prospective procedure. Many things can be achieved with plastic surgery, but others can not. This will be thoroughly discussed during these appointments.
Another great thing is the wide range of modern style cookbooks available in gluten free cooking. The recipes are delicious. Sue Shepherd for instance has released two books with a third book coming out soon, her cookbooks are packed full of modern delicious recipes for coeliacs or people that need to eat a gluten free diet. Its getting better all the time and my friends even enjoy my gluten free cooking and are starting to borrow recipes.....maybe we will conquer the world!
For advice on the current iPhone range, read our iPhone buying guide and best cheap iPhone deals UK. Or, if you'd like to look even further into the future (covering tech developments that come perilously close to the realms of science-fiction), read iPhone 9 and beyond: From graphene to motion charging.
This gluten free diet entails eating no wheat, rye, barley, triticale and oats. Minute amounts of gluten can cause harm in an individual with symptoms ranging from diarrhea to stomach cramps and anemia. And believe me this is hard especially when you are first diagnosed and instructed to have a strictly gluten free diet.
For a coeliac,Wholesale iPhone 8, shopping for gluten free food can be a nightmare as you have to meticulously read every label. You can stay with the "old faithful" products that you have bought time and time again, but you should really still check that they maintain their gluten free status. When experimenting with new gluten free products I always have a certain trepidation...is it going to give me cramps or diarrhea?? Will it taste good?? It is usually alright and I have found that lots of gluten free products now taste great. One of the manufacturers that I love is Gluten free Gourmet, their packaging is really nice and their products are delicious. Every day is getting better as it seems as if manufacturers have finally picked up on the new gluten free wave with more and more gluten free products coming on to the market.
Coeliac disease is an inflammatory disorder of the small intestine that affects genetically predisposed individuals when they ingest gluten. The prevalence of coeliac disease worldwide is increasing; it is estimated to be 0.5 to 2.0% in most of the European countries and the United States. Presently, the only treatment for coeliac disease consists of a life-long gluten-free diet (GFD).
��These innovative new clean energy investments demonstrate our commitment to doing business responsibly and economically,�� said Kyoichi Yamanaka, Managing Director of Ibiden's Environment Group. ��Our products help Apple devices run smarter, and now we��re powering our operations with smarter energy too. We're pleased to partner with Apple and lead the way in helping Japan meet its clean energy goals.��